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Address: Konviktska 20, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic E-mail: certilab@fd.cvut.cz


C-ROADS Czech Republic



It is a European platform for the deployment, testing and harmonisation of C-ITS services in transport. The C-ROADS platform is a European umbrella activity that brings together national projects aiming at the implementation of systems based on European defined standards and recommendations, including organisational aspects. The main objective of the national activities and the C-ROADS platform as a whole is the implementation of an integrated transport system in a unified form across Europe. The Czech Republic is one of the founding members of the European C-Roads platform due to its previous experience with the implementation of C-ITS technology. The C-Roads Czech Republic project is unique in that it focuses not only on motorways, but also on cities, public transport and railway crossings. LTE-V mobile technology was tested for the first time in the Czech Republic. The cities of Brno, Ostrava and Pilsen are among the first European cities to test C-ITS technology. C-ITS technology has also been installed in the first trams and tested in the first level crossing safety systems in Europe.

Project details

Number: 2015-CZ-TM-01188-M
Programme: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
From: 2016
Until: 2021
Partners: Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic; Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic; Railway Administration and AŽD Praha; Brno Communications; INTENS Corporation; O2 Czech Republic a.s.; T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.; Ostrava City Transport Company a.s.; Pilsen City Transport Companies a.s.; ŠKODA AUTO a.s.; Brno City Transport Company a.s.