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Address: Konviktska 20, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic E-mail: certilab@fd.cvut.cz


National Centre of Competence in Cybersecurity



The National Centre of Competence in Cybersecurity was established in response to the strong demand for practical products and solutions to ensure the cyber security of critical and non-critical information infrastructures. The Centre brings together leading research institutes and industry representatives who have been active in the field of cyber security for a long time, in order to carry out joint research and development of technical solutions for cyber security at the hardware and software level, as well as mechanisms for certifying the security properties of technological products. In cooperation with industrial partners, the centre will then seek to apply the developed solutions to the ever-growing cyber security market. This will strengthen the position of Czech industry and research at the European and global level.

Project details

Number: TN01000077
Programme: Národní Centra kompetence TAČR
From: 2019
Until: 2021
Partners: Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics; AXENTA a.s.; CAMEA, spol. s r.o.; CESNET; E.ON Distribution, a.s.; Flowmon Networks a.s.; INDUSTRY CLUSTER 4.0, z. s.; National Agency for Communication and Information Technologies, s. p.; PRK Partners s.r.o. law firm; Technical networks Brno a.s.; Unicorn Systems a.s.; UNIS, a.s.; Brno University of Technology Faculty of Information Technology