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Address: Konviktska 20, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic E-mail: certilab@fd.cvut.cz


Dynamic digital street model for the usage of autonomous mobility in Pilsen



The aim of the project was to pilot test and define the possibilities of using HD maps for autonomous mobility. During the project, a test section was created and equipped with additional sensors to detect obstacles on and around the road in real time. At the same time, test vehicles were driven on this section and equipped with additional sensors to detect roadway abnormalities. The data was also transmitted to a server where it was implemented in the created HD maps of the test section and part of it was also incorporated into the existing 3D model of the city of Pilsen. This created a dynamic digital model (the so-called digital twin) of the pilot section. Based on the tests, a methodology was created that clearly defines the requirements for dynamic HD maps for the needs of autonomous mobility.

Project details

Number: CK03000179
Programme: Doprava 2020+ TAČR
From: 2022
Until: 2024
Partners: INTENS Corporation s.r.o.; CEDA Maps a.s.; ŠKODA DIGITAL s.r.o.; ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION a.s.; Faculty of Applied Sciences University of West Bohemia