Subjects taught

On this page you will find basic information about the subjects that the people from the laboratory are involved in teaching.
Bachelor studies
Language: Czech
Semester: 5.WS
Programme: Engineering and Technology in Transport and Communication
Annotation: The legal environment for the provision and use of telecommunication services is explained, the basic telecommunication solutions in the hierarchical architecture of telecommunication networks are introduced, and the links between part parameters and performance indicators of telecommunication systems, which are usually integral parts of ITS solutions, are explained.
Language: Czech
Semester: 3.WS
Programme: Technology and Engineering in Transport and Communication
Annotation: Terminology and legal framework of telematics systems and their architecture. Telematics systems in practice and their operation. Fundamentals of information systems and telecommunications for ITS. Principles and technical support for traffic data measurement, positioning and navigation. Practical work with traffic data. Real examples of possible applications of ITS principles.
Doctoral studies
Language: Czech
Programme: Engineering Informatics
Anotace: The course covers the following areas: principles of multiplexing, strategies in sharing portable media, topology of stationary elements of mobile network, principles of subscriber stations, mobile network management, services on mobile network, integration with other networks.
Master's studies
Language: English
Programme: Smart Cities
Semester: 2.SS
Annotation: Current status and expectations of development of telecommunication systems as part of cyberinfrastructure, technical, economic and legislative aspects of design and operation of telecommunication systems and service provision, identification and quantification of performance parameters of hierarchically arranged telecommunication systems, overview and characteristics of dedicated telecommunication systems used for transport applications within Smart Cities solutions.
Language: Czech and English
Programme: Intelligent Transport Systems
Semestr: 2.SS
Annotation: Detailed description of the architecture of C-ITS systems, description of the use case in urban and rural areas, explanation of the operating principles of C-ITS systems with emphasis on the information transmitted according to the ETSI standard (CAM, DENM, IVI messages) and also on the security of C-ITS applications. The current ITS-G5 and LTE-V telecommunications solutions and their technological features and specifics will also be explained. The course includes signal processing in C-ITS systems.
Language: Czech
Programme: Engineering and technology in transport and communications
Semester: 2.SS
Annotation: Summary of the current state and main trends in the field of telecommunication networks and services, introduction of methods creating prerequisites for providing guaranteed quality of service, introduction of concepts of redundant networks and tools for managing guaranteed quality of service in network industries that have the ability to adapt to changing conditions of network solutions, clarification of the links of quality of service management with financial management and human resources management.
Language: Czech and English
Programme: Intelligent Transport Systems
Semester: 2.SS
Annotation: The aim of the course is primarily to familiarize students with the tools for data processing and analysis, to test the most common options used in data processing, including advanced options for presenting the results of analyses. As part of the advanced methods, students will also perform specific analyses using Bayesian networks. Students will then independently perform data analysis on data from existing open systems.
Language: Czech
Programme: Logistics and transport process management
Semester: 2.SS
Annotation: Overview of the current status and expectations of the development of the entire portfolio of telecommunication services, economic and legislative aspects of the design and operation of telecommunication networks and the provision of telecommunication services, identification and quantification of hierarchical telecommunication networks and services using performance parameters, overview and description of typical telecommunication services used for transport applications and specifically for logistics.