Final thesis
Preview of final thesis of students from our project

Bachelor thesis
Year: 2022
Author: Martin Franc
The subject of this bachelor thesis “Utilization of LPWAN Networks for Traffic Flow Analysis in the Industrial Area” is to analyse LPWAN technology in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and compare them. The next part of the final work deals with the analysis of IoT applications implemented in the production plants of ŠKODA AUTO a.s. The following is the design of an IoT application in R programming language designed for traffic load analysis at the ŠKODA AUTO a.s. in Mladá Boleslav and methods for sensory data processing are proposed. The verification of the proposed methods for data processing on test data follows. Finally, the future development of IoT solutions in the production plants of ŠKODA AUTO a.s. and the expected costs and benefits are assessed.
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Year: 2022
Author: Matyáš Rychetský
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the security of existing radio communication for Integrated rescue system in the Czech Republic and analysis of the possibility of using modern radio technologies and standards used in other countries. In addition to the technological part an analysis of the risks that new technologies can bring with their implementation is also carried out.
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Year: 2022
Author: Yevhenii Semyzhenko
The aim of this work is to analyse the safety of the tunnel extension system based on SCADA technology. In this work, basic information about the SCADA system, its main components, principles and their mutual functionality will be presented. The needs of tunnel technology in terms of the SCADA environment and the analysis of the application of the subsystem to the control system of the tunnel using SCADA will also be analysed.
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Year: 2021
Author: Elizaveta Rudakova
This bachelor thesis deals with the introduction of blockchain technology and its potential use in a real environment. This work consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter describes the term “blockchain” and the principle of operation of this technology. The second chapter focuses on the main areas of use of blockchain and proposes transport applications and systems that could be implemented. The third chapter describes the agriculture supply chain, the documentation needed for its transport and the different ways of tracking products. The fourth and fifth chapter deal with the design and implementation of the IBM Food Trust platform in the company Hortim, including economic demands and its evaluation.
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Year: 2021
Author: Petr Ondomiši
The goal of this thesis is to analyse current types of shipment deliveries in cities and possible usage of modern technologies, which could be used in the delivery chain. Apart from technology, there will be analysis of legislation as well.
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Year: 2020
Author: Martin Vacenovský
The aim of the bachelor thesis “Assessment of use V2X technologies as an appropriate source” is analyse that V2X technologies can provide more, or at least a comparable amount of basic traffic parameters compared to detection elements currently used in the Czech Republic. This thesis includes survey of basic traffic elements and of the most used detection methods in Czech Republic. Furthermore, the basic description of cooperative intelligent systems, especially in domain related to detection of traffic parameters are also part of this thesis. Subsequently are currently used detection methods compared with possibilities to obtain the basic traffic parameters in domain of cooperative systems. Finally is showed on the real data samples, how to obtain specific traffic parameter.
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Year: 2020
Author: Irina Ogurtova
The subject of the bachelor thesis “Solution of parking in Prague using data source analysis” is an analysis of available open data sources and their usage for car parking problem solution.
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Year: 2019
Author: Georgii Merkulin
The aim of this thesis is to propose a methodology for testing UX / HMI cooperative systems. The first part deals with the description of the principles of cooperative systems and the implementation of cooperative systems in Europe and the Czech Republic. The second part deals with the description and analysis of methodologies for UX testing, proposal of methodology, test scenario and questionnaire. The last part of the thesis deals with the evaluation and analysis of the proposed methodology, identifying its shortcomings and possibilities of its use.
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Year: 2018
Author: Radek Volf
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to follow up on the master thesis of Jakub Jirak and develop a web-based environment for an automated quality control system for cooperative systems created as a part of the European project C-Roads Czech Republic, which will expand the capabilities of the testing system. The first section of the thesis describes the functioning principles of the testing systems and implementation of the systems in Europe and the Czech Republic. The second section analyses and rates the automatic quality control system by identifying its insufficiencies followed by a proposal of web-based environment connectable with the automatic quality control system.
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Year: 2018
Author: Michal Mlada
The subject of this bachelor thesis is cooperative systems and their ways of communication. It provides an overview of ongoing pilot projects, their implementation of communication technologies and the services they provide. In the final part is a summary of used communication technologies and their evaluation from the point of view of their use in project C-Roads.
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Year: 2018
Author: Vojtěch Sejkora
This Bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of KPIs used in cooperative transport systems and proposes a KPI solution to the project C-ROADS. First part is dedicated to description of these systems, their parts, transmission technologies and opportunities for usage. Then an overview of European projects concerning cooperative transport systems is provided. In the second part, an analysis of selected projects is conducted on the basis of which a procedure for creating KPIs is proposed. Last part is dedicated to proposition for creation of KPI in project C-ROADS and its evaluation based on findings gained in the first part of the thesis.
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Master thesis
Year: 2022
Author: Martin Vacenovský
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of an adaptive algorithm for virtual line traffic control on highways. The first chapter contains a search of line traffic management systems that currently are in operation. Furthermore, the first chapter summarizes the approaches to the design of algorithms for linear traffic control systems. The second chapter contains a search of detection elements that can be used in the design of the VLTC algorithm. This is followed by a description of the simulation software used in this work. The main focus of the work is the design of the control algorithm and its subsequent verification in the microscopic traffic simulation.
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Year: 2022
Author: Georgii Merkulin
This diploma thesis deals with the design of an alternative method for determining the speed of a vehicle. First of all, a search was made of existing methods of determining speed. Next, the Bluetooth protocol was described. The following describes how to determine the position using the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. A methodology was proposed for using the output of the BLE protocol to determine the speed of a vehicle. The methodology was verified at the test site. Based on the achieved results, recommendations for improving the methodology were proposed.
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Year: 2021
Author: Vojtěch Sejkora
This diploma thesis deals with a new design of methodology, which can be used for evaluation of use-case RLX in project C-ROADS and its realization. Firstly, the thesis provides a research of cooperative transport systems and pilot projects. Then the use-case of RLX is described in the scope of C-ROADS Czech Republic. The new design of RLX evaluation methodology was proposed and then tested on a pilot group of users. Based on the acquired results, I proposed recommendations, which can later contribute to evolution of RLX use-case.
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Year: 2020
Author: Michal Mlada
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design the robust framework for evaluation of cooperative systems in C-Roads from the point of view of their impact and benefit for users. The thesis contains a proposal of evaluation framework and its functionality verification for C-Roads CZ. Subsequently, the framework is disassembled, and an experiment is performed for two selected use-cases. The results of the evaluation are analysed and the impact of individual use cases on the tested drivers is evaluated.
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Year: 2019
Author: Martin Dostál
Cooperative vehicular system is a tool with the goal of ensuring higher traffic effectiveness and smaller amount of pollutants being emitted into the atmosphere. The processes and technologies needed for mass deployment of cooperative vehicular systems are now the subject of research and intensive testing. The goal of this thesis is twofold: to assess the state of cooperative vehicular systems in Europe and Czech Republic and to develop a software tool to evaluate telecommunication parameters based on the input in the form of logs gathered from the ITS G5 units installed in the implementation of the C-ROADS CZ project.
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