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Address: Konviktska 20, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic E-mail: certilab@fd.cvut.cz


List of publications by the CertiLab team

Below you will find a selection of the more important publications with their details.

Automated Evaluation of C-ITS Message Content for Enhanced Compliance and Reliability

In the field of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITSs), the traditional approach to testing often emphasizes technological parameters, leaving the validation of message content insufficiently addressed. Since the content of these messages is crucial for the correct functioning of C-ITS, this article demonstrates the potential for automated evaluation of C-ITS message content against relevant standards. It leverages our novel tools, Karlos and C-ITS SIM, to facilitate this process. Through detailed laboratory testing and data analysis, the study showcases the effectiveness of these automated solutions in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of message content validation.

Date of publication: 2024

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Ivo Janda, Tomáš Ščerba

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Vaniš, M.; Holý, R.; Šrotýř, M.; Zajíček, M.; Huang, S.-C. Automated Evaluation of C-ITS Message Content for Enhanced Compliance and Reliability Applied Sciences. 2024, 14(20), ISSN 2076-3417.

DOI: 10.3390/app14209526

Legal Protection for Databases in the Realm of Autonomous Mobility: A Comprehensive Approach

In the dynamic realm of autonomous mobility, understanding legal protection for databases is crucial. The upcoming article focuses on key aspects in this area. It clarifies fundamental concepts, including both sui generis and copyright safeguards. Additionally, it outlines important characteristics for assessing potential legal protection. The article also introduces a unique set of coefficients, making complex legal concepts more tangible. This innovative approach offers makers concrete insights into their database’s level of legal protection. By combining theoretical understanding with practical application, the article equips makers in the autonomous mobility sector to implement effective strategies for securing legal protection. Furthermore, the article will delve into simplified typologies of databases within autonomous systems. It will also provide a step-bystep illustration of how to determine the degree of legal protection for these databases. This process will include supplementary information aimed at refining the assessment of legal protection, offering makers the necessary guidance for accurate decisions. Through this comprehensive approach, the article aims to provide makers with practical tools to navigate the complex landscape of database legal protection efficiently.

Date of publication: 2024

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Ivo Janda, Tomáš Ščerba

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Vaniš, M.; Janda, I.; Ščerba, T. LEGAL PROTECTION FOR DATABASES IN THE REALM OF AUTONOMOUS MOBILITY: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH The Lawyer Quarterly. 2024, 14(2), 198-217. ISSN 1805-840X.

Link: https://tlq.ilaw.cas.cz/index.php/tlq/article/view/596

Autonomous Trams and Urban Infrastructure: A Methodological Approach to Testing and Integration

In recent years, the concept of smart cities, along with autonomous transportation, has emerged as a significant focal point for researchers, urban planners, and technological innovators. This growing interest is driven not only by technological advancements but also by the pressing need to address current urban mobility challenges such as congestion, air pollution, and the necessity to enhance road safety. Autonomous trams, as a pivotal element of intelligent urban transportation systems, offer a promising pathway towards more efficient, safer, and sustainable urban mobility.

Date of publication: 2024

Authors: Miroslav Vaniš, Matyáš Horák, Tomáš Tichý, Zdeněk Lokaj, Michal Malý, Jiří Brož

Citation: Vaniš, M.; Horák, M.; Tichý, T.; Lokaj, Z.; Malý, M.; Brož, J. Autonomous Trams and Urban Infrastructure: A Methodological Approach to Testing and Integration In: 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague – IEEE PROCEEDINGS. New York: IEEE Press, 2024. ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP61506.2024.10552728

Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions in Industry 4.0, Telematics and Smart Cities

In the era of Industry 4.0 and the rise of smart cities, the integration of industrial and telematics systems has become increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing the way we manage and optimize processes. These systems, which encompass everything from manufacturing plants to transportation networks, rely heavily on interconnected devices and data exchange to enhance efficiency and functionality. However, this interconnectedness also brings about a heightened level of vulnerability to cyber threats, emphasizing the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures. This article specifically delves into a case study of a selected Denial of Service (DoS) cyber attack on industrial networks, highlighting the critical need for such cybersecurity solutions. Current software was utilized to simulate an attack. The results are provided using the software that was created specifically for this type of task, demonstrating the practical application and effectiveness of these cybersecurity measures in real-world scenarios.

Date of publication: 2024

Authors: Martin Zajíček, Tomáš Tichý, Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř

Citation: Zajíček, M.; Tichý, T.; Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M. Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions in Industry 4.0, Telematics and Smart Cities In: 2024 Smart City Symposium Prague – IEEE PROCEEDINGS. New York: IEEE Press, 2024. ISBN 979-8-3503-6095-0.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP61506.2024.10552726

Detection of Non-personal Data Leading to User Identification, Including Related Recommendations for The Field of Autonomous Mobility

This paper introduces the issue of personal and non-personal data in autonomous vehicles. Its main objective is to provide a procedure for determining the processed and retained data, to explain the current legal regulation that must be met, and to propose appropriate recommendations for each data category. Current law (and the regulatory framework which it has produced) generally distinguishes between two basic types of data, i.e. non-personal data and personal data. The phenomenon that a combination of several pieces of non-personal data may, under certain circumstances, result in processing of personal data, which is subject to significant regulation, is not limited solely to the field of autonomous mobility. This paper deals with data classification in autonomous vehicles, focusing on the challenging cases of non-personal data that can turn into personal data. The initial stage involves identifying the data to be processed, followed by the classification of the identified data. Based on this classification, relevant legal obligations and recommendations are described. The primary objective of this article is to provide guidance to data administrators (or, to use the terminology of data protection laws, data controllers) in autonomous mobility, enabling them to identify data and take appropriate measures to ensure compliance with legal regulations. The ultimate aim is to ensure that data controllers adhere to legal requirements, a goal that is critical for all data controllers. Beyond that, this article should be relevant also for other stakeholders in the autonomous mobility ecosystem, such as vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers, software application and service providers, and others.

Date of publication: 2023

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Ivo Janda, Tomáš Ščerba



A Novel Algorithm for Merging Bayesian Networks

The article presents a novel algorithm for merging Bayesian networks generated by different methods, such as expert knowledge and data-driven approaches, while leveraging a symmetry-based approach. The algorithm combines the strengths of each input network to create a more comprehensive and accurate network. Evaluations on traffic accident data from Prague in the Czech Republic and accidents on railway crossings demonstrate superior predictive performance, as measured by prediction error metric. The algorithm identifies and incorporates symmetric nodes into the final network, ensuring consistent representations across different methods. The merged network, incorporating nodes selected from both the expert and algorithm networks, provides a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the relationships among variables in the dataset. Future research could focus on extending the algorithm to deal with cycles and improving the handling of conditional probability tables. Overall, the proposed algorithm demonstrates the effectiveness of combining different sources of knowledge in Bayesian network modeling.

Date of publication: 2023

Authors: Miroslav Vaniš, Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř

Citation: Vaniš, M.; Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M. A Novel Algorithm for Merging Bayesian Networks Symmetry. 2023, 15(7), ISSN 2073-8994..

DOI: 10.3390/sym15071461

On Security and Privacy in Vehicle Speed-Limiting Services in the Internet of Vehicles

Currently, the number of vehicles in road traffic is increasing, which enhances the variety of traffic situations and needs related to road traffic and safety. A cooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS) can improve road safety and benefit drivers and traffic participants. The C-Roads specification defines many different use cases for informing road vehicles about speed limits, impending danger, road work, signalized intersections, and more. In this article, the authors propose a new use case targeting the need for Integrated Rescue System services to slow down or stop selected vehicles that are violating rules. Unlike most use cases in C-Roads, in the authors’ case, it is not enough to only notify the driver’s vehicle; it must also be slowed down or stopped completely.

This intervention requires addressing issues from a technical and a procedural/legal point of view. In this work, the authors define the use case itself, following the templates of the specification in C-Roads. Then, the authors discuss the issues in terms of secure communication between vehicles and privacy. They also analyze existing protection security techniques against typical cybersecurity attacks and privacy countermeasures. Next, the authors propose a system architecture concerning appropriate C-ITS messages and communication between vehicles and present an onboard diagnostics simulator implementing the proposed architecture for the core needs of a given use case. Furthermore, the authors create a practical demonstrator of their proposal based on real vehicle components. Finally, the authors discuss open research questions and the ongoing development of the use case before the application on the Internet of Vehicles.

Date of publication: 2022

Authors: Lukáš Malina, Pavel Šeda, Zdeněk Martinásek, Jiří Pokorný, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Zdeněk Lokaj

Citation: Malina, L.; Seda, P.; Martinasek, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Vaniš, M.; Lokaj, Z. et al. On Security and Privacy in Vehicle Speed-Limiting Services in the Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 2023, 15(1), 8-22. ISSN 1939-1390.

DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2022.3203236

Application of Cybersecurity Approaches within Smart Cities and ITS

Today, several disciplines within the concept management of smart cities are challenging and are being solved. The focus is on new technologies, sustainability, social aspects, and complex solutions. It is based on the integration of particularities with the main goal of ensuring acceleration, a knowledge-based approach, future strategies, and sustainable evolution of the livable city. It lies in a proper functioning system, which is increasingly based on the data and connectivity of devices placed throughout the city. However, cybersecurity of data often lags behind. This paper provides outputs from the analysis of the systematic approach to ensure reliability and control over cyber threats and attacks with a focus on smart cities and telematics as well. Depending on the analysis, several recommendations are well described from perspective of process, technical and organizational aspects as well as regarding the specific telematics applications.

Date of publication: 2022

Authors: Tomáš Tichý, Jiří Brož, Tomáš Šmerda, Zdeněk Lokaj

Citation: Tichý, T.; Brož, J.; Šmerda, T.; Lokaj, Z. Application of Cybersecurity Approaches within Smart Cities and ITS In: 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague. Piscataway: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP54748.2022.9792554

Classification of non-personal data in autonomous vehiclesd ITS

Today’s roads resemble a large anthill, in which countless cars are constantly on the move. There is a human behind the steering wheel of every vehicle, but assistance systems become popular in recent years. Until 20 years ago, a car was a completely practical mechanical device without any embedded electronic systems. Recently, we have seen these systems constantly evolving, and being installed in every new vehicle, which is progressively leading to autonomous vehicles.This is fully in line with the concept of smart cities, where one of its areas is defined as intelligent mobility, where autonomous vehicles belong.These vehicles already generate a huge amount of data. This article defines the current legal framework regarding data in autonomous vehicles. These data are then presented and the classification based on the degree of data personality is suggested. The last part of the article is the design of software that will help manufacturers and administrators with data protection issues.

Date of publication: 2022

Authors: Miroslav Vaniš, Tomáš Zelinka, Tomáš Ščerba, Anna Stárková

Citation: Vaniš, M.; Zelinka, T.; Scerba, T.; Starkova, A. Classification of non-personal data in autonomous vehicles In: 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). Vienna: IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, 2022. ISSN 2691-3666. ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP54748.2022.9792557

Protection of personal data in autonomous vehicles and its data categorization

In the last ten years, autonomous vehicles have proved to be one of the major themes for smart mobility and a vision for the future. The possibilities of autonomous vehicle control are gradually being discussed, as we move from driving assistance systems through occasional vehicle control to fully automated driving without driver intervention. Currently developed autonomous systems work on the principle of recording and processing of a large amount of information from sensors and taken from other entities. Such recorded data may be of a technical nature, but may also be categorized as personal data.

If personal data is handled improperly, there is a potential threat of misuse, resulting in a breach of the digital privacy of individuals and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) valid in the European Union. Sensitive and systematic handling of personal data is crucial not only for reasons of GDPR regulations but also for conformity of users of autonomous vehicles and thus the trouble-free development of autonomous vehicles and use in the future. The aim of the presented article is to outline the functioning and use of data in autonomous systems and their basic elements. The next part focuses on the processing of data from autonomous vehicles, their categorization and evaluation in terms of potential severity for security misuse. The article contains an analysis and description of individual elements of autonomous systems and the development of elements of autonomous vehicles from the point of view of the application of privacy protection. The primary target is to address the issues of privacy rights from the development by the manufacturer of autonomous systems. With this target in mind, the article also comes with measures and steps that need to be taken to successfully secure the personal data of data subjects involved within these autonomous systems in general.

Date of publication: 2022

Authors: Michal Mlada, Radek Holý, Jakub Jirovský, Tomáš Kasalický

Citation: Mlada, M.; Holý, R.; Jirovsky, J.; Kasalicky, T. Protection of personal data in autonomous vehicles and its data categorization In: 2022 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP). Vienna: IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, 2022. ISSN 2691-3666. ISBN 978-1-6654-7923-3.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP54748.2022.9792554

Methodology of Functional and Technical Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems and Its Practical Application

In the area of smart cities, great emphasis is placed on many different fields such as energetics, information systems, and transportation. All of these should lead to a simplification of life thanks to smart technologies. If we talk about the transportation field, the main issues related to this area are safety, traffic efficiency, or the environment. Another condition is the successful acceptance of any new technology by its users. Cooperative systems prove to be a suitable solution for these issues, especially in urban areas. Today, pilot implementations of cooperative systems in European countries are being carried out. However, before they are put into full operation, they need to be tested, evaluated, and assessed.

This article focuses on the latter two points, i.e., evaluation and assessment of the cooperative systems. For this purpose, a methodology was created, which describes the procedure chosen in the evaluation and assessment of cooperative systems in the Czech Republic and a demonstration of its use by example. The methodology is focused on three main areas, which in this case are functional evaluation, user acceptance, and impact assessment. For the area of user acceptance, the main source was questionnaires, impact assessment relied on measured data while functional evaluation was based on discussions with the drivers, evaluating the cooperative systems, the measured data, and the expert observations. All collected and measured data were then processed and some of the results of the evaluation of the selected service are presented at the end of this article.

Date of publication: 2021

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Michal Mlada

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Vaniš, M.; Mlada, M. Methodology of Functional and Technical Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems and Its Practical ApplicationApplied Sciences. 2021, 11(20), ISSN 2076-3417.

DOI: 10.3390/app11209700

Ochrana osobních údajů v systémech autonomního řízení. Co je nezbytné pro bezpečné fungování a jak toho dosáhnout?

In the area of smart cities, great emphasis is placed on many different fields such as energetics, information systems, and transportation. All of these should lead to a simplification of life thanks to smart technologies. If we talk about the transportation field, the main issues related to this area are safety, traffic efficiency, or the environment. Another condition is the successful acceptance of any new technology by its users. Cooperative systems prove to be a suitable solution for these issues, especially in urban areas. Today, pilot implementations of cooperative systems in European countries are being carried out. However, before they are put into full operation, they need to be tested, evaluated, and assessed.

This article focuses on the latter two points, i.e., evaluation and assessment of the cooperative systems. For this purpose, a methodology was created, which describes the procedure chosen in the evaluation and assessment of cooperative systems in the Czech Republic and a demonstration of its use by example. The methodology is focused on three main areas, which in this case are functional evaluation, user acceptance, and impact assessment. For the area of user acceptance, the main source was questionnaires, impact assessment relied on measured data while functional evaluation was based on discussions with the drivers, evaluating the cooperative systems, the measured data, and the expert observations. All collected and measured data were then processed and some of the results of the evaluation of the selected service are presented at the end of this article.

Date of publication: 2021

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Martin Flaškár, Jakub Jirovský

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Flaškár, M.; Jirovský, J. Ochrana osobních údajů v systémech autonomního řízení. Co je nezbytné pro bezpečné fungování a jak toho dosáhnout? Revue pro právo a technologie. 2021, 12(24), 3-37. ISSN 1804-5383.

DOI: 10.5817/RPT2021-2-1

C-ITS SIM as a tool for V2X communication and its validity assessment

Nowadays, when new technologies are being developed and people are looking for smart solutions, the field of automation and digitization grows faster and faster. The demand on the telecommunications is increasing in economy, healthcare as well as in the transportation. The transportation systems are facing the challenge of smart infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and its connectivity. The requirements for these systems lie mainly in safety, interoperability and sustainability, especially in the area of cooperative transport systems (C-ITS).

This article focuses on a possible approach to test and evaluate C-ITS, threats that have to be ruled out in future, possibilities to ensure connectivity among the vehicles and infrastructure in C-ITS. For these purposes, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and its laboratory Certilab develop special procedures based mainly on the C-ITS SIM tool. This tool ensures validation and verification of C-ITS messages and its interoperability among all equipment. This paper also reviews the already developed applications and proposal of the functionalities that should be implemented for the testing as well as the examples of real usage of the developed tool in testing the communication of C-ITS messages.

Date of publication: 2021

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Jiří Brož, Michal Mlada

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Vaniš, M.; Brož, J.; Mlada, M. C-ITS SIM as a tool for V2X communication and its validity assessment In: 2021 Smart City Symposium Prague. Piscataway: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2021. ISBN 9780738131580.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP52043.2021.9447399.

Technical part of evaluation solution for cooperative vehicles within C-ROADS CZ project

Nowadays, when new technologies are being developed and people are looking for smart solutions, the field of automation and digitization grows faster and faster. The demand on the telecommunications is increasing in economy, healthcare as well as in the transportation. The transportation systems are facing the challenge of smart infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and its connectivity. The requirements for these systems lie mainly in safety, interoperability and sustainability, especially in the area of cooperative transport systems (C-ITS).

This article focuses on a possible approach to test and evaluate C-ITS, threats that have to be ruled out in future, possibilities to ensure connectivity among the vehicles and infrastructure in C-ITS. For these purposes, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and its laboratory Certilab develop special procedures based mainly on the C-ITS SIM tool. This tool ensures validation and verification of C-ITS messages and its interoperability among all equipment. This paper also reviews the already developed applications and proposal of the functionalities that should be implemented for the testing as well as the examples of real usage of the developed tool in testing the communication of C-ITS messages.

Date of publication: 2020

Authors: Zdeněk Lokaj, Martin Šrotýř, Miroslav Vaniš, Jiří Brož

Citation: Lokaj, Z.; Šrotýř, M.; Vaniš, M.; Brož, J. Technical part of evaluation solution for cooperative vehicles within C-ROADS CZ project In: 2020 Smart City Symposium Prague. New York: IEEE Press, 2020. ISBN 978-1-7281-6821-0.

DOI: 10.1109/SCSP49987.2020.9133885