Protection of non-personal data and databases in autonomous systems
The objective of the project was to identify the scope of personal data that are and may be transmitted within autonomous driving systems or their components, such as cooperative systems, and to assess the level of intrusion into the privacy of natural persons. On the basis of these analyses, the aim was to develop a methodology for assessing the level of intrusion into the privacy of natural persons and ways to address it from both a legal and a technical perspective, in order to ensure that these systems are accepted by users and to dispel doubts that they are systems that monitor their users or fundamentally interfere with their privacy. Key documents for the assessment and subsequent proposals included the GDPR, the Data Processing Act, as well as subsequent European and national legal documents.
Project details
Number: TL03000691
Programme: ÉTA 3 TAČR
From: 2020
Until: 2022
Partners: ROWAN LEGAL, s.r.o., law firm